Sunday, February 3, 2013

Valentine Bags!

Since Valentine's Day is fast approaching, I want to have students begin to make their Valentine bags.  I found this cute idea for a penguin Valentine box from  I think that my students will make this on paper bags instead!
I also need to begin thinking about Valentine's Day routines.  My room is always in chaos while Valentines are being passed out!  I need help from younger-grade teachers!!!  What do you do to control the chaos?!


  1. Very cute penguin! We normally make teddy bear bags for their cards, but since we are reading Magic Tree House, Eve of the Emperor Penguin, maybe we should try these!

    Good luck finding a way to organize passing out the valentines. Let me know if you come up with something that works. They get so excited to hand out and receive treats!

  2. That is a really cute idea! One suggestion to control the chaos is to line all of their bags up in the hallway. Send a few students out at a time to fill the bags while the other students are doing an activity in the classroom. Once the bags are filled, they can collect them and check out their valentines.

    Another way is to just let them all move around the room at the same time and watch the fun!

  3. Such a cute idea...thanks for the great link!
