Wednesday, March 6, 2013

EDUC 584 Reflection

As I said in my Voki, educators need to embrace technology, and incorporate it into the classroom.  This class has made the idea of that possible.  I learned a lot about techology, and I learned about practical ways to make it an effective part of my students' learning.  I went into this class thinking that I was pretty tech-savvy.  That all came crashing down within the first ten seconds of the class, but was slowly rebuilt thoughtout the past eight weeks.  I learned to blog and to wiki, as a professional development tool. I also learned how powerful they can be for my students.  I discovered Diigo, which is now a rival to my Pinterest page.  I also learned about great tools such as Animoto and Digital Storytelling.  I can easily see myself using these tools for years to come!  Overall, it has been a whirl-wind eight weeks, but eight of the most useful and eye-opening weeks of grad school.